Many medical specialists that patients prefer not conversations with doctors. A survey of the Federation medical specialists (FMS), in collaboration with the radio program the morning, shows that more than 62 percent of the doctors who has received a request from a patient to transfer the call to, there is.
Minister came in March with the proposal to patients conversations with doctors. Research shows that many patients forget the information that a doctor gives, for example by the shock of a bad diagnosis. If they call recording, they can later quietly playing back, the thought of the Minister.
Reputation damage most surveyed specialists fear that the patient the conversation, or parts of it, on the internet, for example through social media. "That can have enormous consequences for the reputation of a doctor," says President The Grave of the FMS in the radio program.
Minister understands the concerns of the doctors. "It's not me to checking the doctor, but really to the patient. The recording is a type of memory aid. If the patient has come home and quiet has processed the diagnosis, he can once again playing back to what the doctor has said exactly. "
Guidelines The Grave would like guidance on recording the conversations with patients ' organisations and the Ministry. He thinks that worries doctors away.
Patiëntenfederatie NPCF feels there. "Patients are portrayed as half-criminals who are out on the streets to swing things. The patient is sick and vulnerable and is in an interview with a doctor who complicated medical terms used ", says Director Dianda Veldman.
Guidelines for patients, Veldman therefore nonsense. "Guidelines are there for doctors, not for patients. We want best thinking about guidelines, but otherwise let the doctors into thinking such as how they can ensure that a conversation is going well. "
By: Editorial NOS: REUTERS
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