Salvation Army refuses gift that ' not for Muslims and Negroes ' is

Gepubliceerd op 10 juni 2016 om 09:48

The Salvation Army in Germany last week has a gift denied because the money according to the giver was meant only for Germans and not for ' Muslim immigrants or Negroes '. That leaves the relief organization know on Facebook. The money is returned.

downloads1-30.jpgThe Salvation Army has informed via a letter to the donor the money not wanting to. ,, To your request the spending money on Germans and not to Muslim-immigraten and black men we cannot meet. " And on Facebook:,, thanks, but no thanks ".

' No distinction ',, from our Christian belief we make no distinction at our help in colour, descent, religion or sex ", is also in the letter, which fully on Facebook. ,, We are ready for all the people who have fled as a result of war, persecution or famine in their own countries. "

The more than 1200 facebookpost times shared and provides a lot of responses from people who are happy with the rejection of the gift. A number of people have decided on the basis of the letter itself to deposit money to the relief organization.

By Editorial AD Photo: REUTERS/AD

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