Children who come in contact with youth care as adults more often depending on a benefit. As many as 80 percent of all Wajongers ran as a child at youth care.
The AWBZ, now replaced by the long-term care Law, even for 90 percent used by young people with a child and youth care background. And four out of ten young people with a national assistance benefit was as a child already known to youth workers. This is evident from an examination of the Central Planning bureau (CPB) that today appears.
The researchers followed all young people who have become in 2011 18 years. It shows that municipalities constantly see the same faces at the counter, because young people from the youth welfare faster claim benefits and a larger appeal to long-term care than peers without background in the youth care. Youth care comes in action as parents no longer can care for their children, if they have problems with the education or child abuse.
According to the CPB, it is important that municipalities know that the group from the youth care later knocks back them for benefits. They can then cause all during the youth care more is done to young people after their 18th to work to help. That also pays for the municipalities, which spend considerably less money than benefits once the young people become adults.
Blessings never before has investigated the extent to which young people who come from the youth care rely on benefits or income support. The study On own legs? is done because the municipalities since the decentralization in 2015 are responsible for child welfare.
The CPB mentions that decentralisation a ' blessing ', because the municipalities now all in one hand. ,, If you are aware that you have a younger from the youth care later in line see, you can then anticipate ", says a spokesman. , Know the background of that person then, Municipalities already and can better help if problems arise. "
Young people who end up at youth care, are also more common on special education. Although the municipalities now almost entirely over youth care, they do not about education. The CPB advises municipalities therefore more to work with schools. The problems of the youth care can then be addressed together with the education.
By Editorial AD Photo: REUTERS
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