Danny r lives since six years in Orlando. He heard this morning upon awakening about the attack at a night club, where more than 50 deaths and dozens of injuries.
That the perpetrator, Omar Mateen (an American of Afghan descent) is a Muslim, it makes up for the 50-year-old management consultant extra painful. , Ran in the morning, The death toll ever on. Terrible '', said Rafiq, who was born in Morocco but since 1986 live in the US.
What came first with you on this morning?
Danny r:,, the bizarre gun laws in the US. There are many ' shootings '. As long as the gun lobby here is large, you will continue to keep this terrible shootings. Here in Florida, it is quite easy to of weapons, even semi-automatic weapons. If I have a gun do? Of course not, I'm firmly against gun ownership. Many Americans rely on the first amendment to the US Constitution, but it is not that you semi-automatic weapons. If we can mitigate that initially, then you reduce the chance of such a large attack. With a ' just ' weapon you can't kill dozens of people. ''
Are you worried that ' the normal ' Muslims in Orlando with Islamophobia to make it go?
, Since Nine Eleven get the ordinary American Muslims blamed for attacks committed by cold-blooded killers. Over the coming weeks and months, we must be extra careful. Previously it was for Muslims just fine in Florida. So you could comfortably outside the prayer. No one who's looked up there. Now you can even better not do. Yes, I'm concerned. We are good citizens of this country and can only try to help the American society, we can do no more. ''
Muslim organisations have already make themselves heard?
,, CAIR, the largest Muslim organization in the US, has already condemned the attack. Also the Union of mosques in Florida has make themselves heard. But every Muslim should condemn such an attack would, even outside the US. Because if you kill one person, it is as if you all mankind kills. CAIR has called on Muslims to donate blood for the injured. ''
Go you also donate blood?
,, I already donate blood on a regular basis. But if you need extra blood to donate now, then I will certainly do that. ''
By Editorial AD Photo: AD
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