Mayor Eberhard van der Laan gets no help from the college for his statement that Airbnb in social housing should be possible.
"That is undesirable," said Alderman Laurens Ivens Wednesday morning during Council debate.
He added that this is the position of the college of Mayor and aldermen. The position is in a letter sent to all corporations in the city.
Ibrahim wants to agree with The Key, which will allow Airbnb in social housing. The living Foundation start a pilot where students are allowed to rent out their house up to thirty days.
Mayor Van der Laan said last week during talk show also that social tenants Heyu Urbans in the OBA should be able to take advantage of Airbnb. Concrete plans to make this possible there according to him yet, he called it ' a thought '.
According to Ibrahim the enforcement in the city not to offer their property as well as social tenants via Airbnb.
' Not smart ' the Council Ibrahim once. Daniël van der Ree (VVD) found the statements by Van der Laan ' not smart '. D66 mentioned that, in the person of Reinier van Dantzig, ' unhappy '.
Also the left-wing parties, including Van der Laans own PvdA, find the time is not yet ripe for holiday rental social housing. The city has its hands full with the current range of Airbnb.
"It is not wise to take another thousands of social housing to add to that," says Erik Flentge (SP). The Mayor is as yet only for.
The Key a spokesman for the Key lets find out ' taking note of the views of politics '. "This we take into our conversation with our tenants dome Arcade and Deputy Mayor Ibrahim", Kurd.
By Editorial Het Parool: Photo: REUTERS
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