MAASTRICHT - It is almost certainly not the coffee that is carcinogenic, but the high temperature at which this drink is consumed worldwide
Very hot beverages are carcinogenic
With this particular explanation for the development of esophageal refutes the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), based in Lyon, many years assumption that coffee could be seen as a possible 'carcinogenic' or carcinogenic (liquid) substance.
The World Health Organization (WHO) has now become convinced by the conclusions of a study by 25 international experts who advised herein the agency. The WHO has taken their advice and sets an official statement that ,, drinking very hot drinks with a temperature of 65 degrees or higher can be considered from now on as "probably carcinogenic."
According to prof. Dr. Ir. PA van den Brandt, professor of cancer epidemiology at the University of Maastricht, can be very hot liquids repeatedly completely unrefrigerated throat flow cell damage in the esophagus and cancer risk with increase. ,, The self-healing ability of the cells shall be severely tested by the repeated 'burning' and eventually inoperative. Cancer can then be the result. "
Van den Brandt along with researcher ir. Peter Hollman from Wageningen University (department of human nutrition) one of the two Dutch experts consulted by the IARC. ,, This cancer risk is not just about coffee, "Van den Brandt says ,, but also tea and other beverages hot to be drunk sometimes very hot. As example, mate, that's a lot of drunk beverage in South America. They call maté also chimarrão or Paraguay tea, drawn from yerba mate leaves. The brew is often very hot - sometimes hotter than 70 degrees - through a kind of metal straw directly into the throat ... "The tea is popular in Paraguay, Bolivia, Uruguay and Argentina. Van den Brandt: ,, As Queen Maxima, Argentina itself, drinking mate, I hope they first some cool her tea. "
Professor Piet van den Brandt should do not think that his 'inner' regions exposed to so many hot liquids. ,, It is better to first coffee to cool down. Here in the Netherlands we drink coffee between 40 and 60 degrees. So if you almost burn your tongue, just not go drink! But there are countries, such as Iran, where the coffee is much hotter consumed. Moreover, esophageal cancer very common. The situation in Iran took us as a group of experts on the idea, technical research, to separate the alcohol from the heat as a cause of cancer. "
In the Netherlands this cancer each year discovered at approximately 2300 persons. A causal relationship to hot liquids is unknown.
The World Cancer Research Fund, in Amsterdam, said in a response to the inquiry ,, very relevant "to find countries where esophageal cancer is more common and traditional beverages consumed very hot.,, In the Netherlands, smoking, alcohol and obesity, the main risk factors for esophageal cancer. "
By editorial Telegraph: Photo: Peter Schoonen
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