LONDON - Thomas Mair, the suspect in the murder of the British MEP Jo Cox, Saturday for the courts at Westminster Magistrates Court appeared. When the judge asked his name,
Mair replied: "Death to the traitors, freedom for Britain." That report British reporters via twitter in court.
Then to his hometown and date of birth Mair was asked, he did not answer.
Cox, Labour parliamentarian died Thursday after she was attacked on the street.According to the police, there are no indications that Mair was in the attack help from others. However, it is still investigating how he got a gun.
Eyewitnesses said Thursday that the man who shot and Cox neerstak- ,, Britain First '' yelled. Britain First is a radical nationalist party, an offshoot of the British National Party. The party gets a "Brexit 'and wants Britain out of the European Union.
The suspect is described as a 'loner' which struggled in the past with mental health problems.
By editorial Telegraph: Photo: EPA
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