"I told his psychiatrist: there is something bad happening released when my son and then he takes others with it.". To her great regret Monique van der Sandt (61) received from Drempt right.
She is the mother of Rémon W. psychiatric patient Friday a child death rode the Ruurloseweg in Zelhem. Her son should never be released, she says. "I feel so guilty, the worst part is:. This could have been avoided had the court in Zutphen beginning never release this month Rémon.."
She got right in her prediction does her much grief. Eight days after his release from remand drove her mentally ill son Rémon W. in Zelhem on the car of a family. A 4-year-old boy was killed in life.
Pepper spray
The 38-year-old Do Inch Bucket stole the car from the psychologist who was visiting him to determine his psychological state of the criminal proceedings against him. W. was pretty Since Thursday, June 9th. Previously, he was stuck, partly because he had sprayed pepper spray in the face of his father in October of last year.
Also, the life of Van der Sandt is upside down. She tells her story because she wants to ensure that there are more innocent victims. She wants the law amended. "This is a call to the Minister of Justice, in The Hague. Take a clause in the law allowing people like Rémon can be incorporated more easily enforced."
The 4-year-old boy who died as a result of the accident was in the car with his sister and three of his father and mother of 38 and 40, from Stolwijk (near Gouda). They were injured and taken to hospital.
By Editorial AD Photo: Reuters
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