The psychologist Friday under threat had to give up his car keys to Rémon W. in Doetinchem has made an error in judgment. That says a spokesperson of the knowledge center for forensic psychiatry and psychology, NIFP.
The psychologist went on his own to visit W. in his flat in Doetinchem. "The reporter (psychologist, NO) allows the assessment of the need to let the conversation take place in a secure setting, such as a court or the probation office," said the spokesman.
The psychologist found that manifestly unnecessary. W. went there by car from the expert off, after which he joined Zelhem frontally collided with a car. Including a four-year-old toddler was killed.
It is not common for forensic psychologists and psychiatrists are supervised. "Rapporteurs to visit the person to be tested in the line alone." The police are not informed that there is a call.
Incidentally, this kind of talks are usually held in a correctional institution, because the suspect is still attached. To our knowledge have not been incidents such as occurred with W., says NIFP spokeswoman.
By Editorial AD Photo: Reuters
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