Dozens of Democrats have held a sit-in protest in the US House of Representatives. They would thus force the Republicans, who have a majority in Congress, a debate and launch a vote on a stricter firearms.
Democrats campaigned on the last day before the beginning of a recess of one week. Under the motto "no law no break" the Democrats were demonstratively sitting on the floor. They read there the names of the 49 victims who fell in the shooting at a gay club in Orlando.
Republicans after some time declared the recess started before. A debate on a new arms law did not happen. Yet the Democrats remained seated.
The Republican chairman of the House Paul Ryan showed eventually the cameras that record off all debates. Democratic deputies seized them but to their phones to broadcast via Twitter and Facebook images of their action. Ryan spoke of a "publicity stunt" and refused to work on with that. "They know we are going to bring a law voted raising fundamental rights without proper consideration," he said.
Channel C-Span, which broadcasts normally sittings of the House, used images from different social networks present.
The protest was led by the 76-year-old John Lewis. Before the 'sit in' began, Lewis explained to the House of Representatives from the Democrats campaigned why. He wondered aloud how many grieving mothers of victims of gun violence are necessary to enforce a law change. "We have been silent for too long," said Lewis.
Arms Sales
The Democrats want to include that a stick is inserted for arms sales to people on terror lists of the FBI.
This week was voted into the Senate on four measures that would impose arms sales to tires. All four proposals - two from the Democratic corner and two from the Republican - were killed.
From the Democratic corner there was support for the zitactie both President Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, who has the Democratic nomination for the presidential election victory. "The Republicans may then have turned off the cameras, they can not do that with our voice. We must do something about gun violence, "Clinton said on Twitter.
By Editorial AD Photo: AFP
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