Amsterdam - Still energy suppliers are struggling to prepare the annual settlement. There's everything wrong: calculating error of taxes to wrong calculation of the peak and peak hours.
Research by Vereniging Eigen Huis shows that there are a lot of wrong among 1549 members (with and without solar panels) that exceeded 5% in the last 12 months of a mistake on the energy bill.
Examines only solar panel owners, it is even worse: there it goes at a Mass on the six bills, according to a sample of
The damage for solar panel owners varies from a few tens of euros to more than five hundred euros. In some cases, the energy suppliers injured himself.
The mistakes are diverse. So several consumers did not receive the promised feed-in tariffs and was charged regularly too much tax. Further, the generated and transmitted power were confused and mistakes made in settling energy and restitution against trough and peak rate.
In 72% of these members of VEH put right the error by the energy supplier.
,, It was here so really know what going on, "let spokeswoman Manon van Essen VEH. Now ,, 5% has detected an error, but high probability that the actual number of errors is much higher. Many people do not look closely at the bill, or do not know where to look for. Especially if someone has solar panels, is reviewing the bill almost impossible to do. "
Ben Woldring, director of comparison finds the same. ,, An easy mistake to make, but this should not happen. "He calls energy suppliers to get the errors and make the accounts more transparent.
A call that is supported by Vereniging Eigen Huis and the Authority for Consumers and Markets: ,, In 2014, the ACM released a document that outlines the information is supposed to get the energy customer, but it is known that the accounts are still unclear, "said Saskia Bierling of the ACM. ,, Most of the questions we get here inside pass energy on the note: consumers find it unclear which items are staged or what they mean. "
Energy suppliers Nuon, Essent and NLE announces a clear note to be important. ,, It is one of our priorities. "What Concern notes, according to the NLE knock which always ,, unless the consumer erroneous readings passes or not. In the latter case we have to estimate the consumption and that is difficult. "Nuon also makes a movie about how the financial statements are meot be read.
Monitor well, the ACM and VEH call consumers on their energy bills still good to check and ask if in doubt explains the supplier. Woldring "Who instance, has raised more than consumed, shall have the appropriate feed-in tariff and not accidentally or energy storage pay renewable energy," said Woldring. ,, In addition, both the consumer and the supplier benefit from the account is checked properly. "
Energy Consultation
Can my energy bills cheaper? Where should I look for if I want to change? And what about the efficiency of solar panels?
With these and other questions you can free visit the Energy Consultation holding Telegraph Monday, June 27th. Experts from Vereniging Eigen Huis, ConsuWijzer and comparison are ready to answer all your questions.
If you want a personal consultation? Mail then your postcode and house number, current supplier and energy (electricity and gas).
You can send your questions to Monday 12:00 to You will then receive an e-mail within one week free answer from one of our experts.
By editorial Telegraph: Photo: Peter Schoonen
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