You have two jobs, two kids and a house. Dixy Martis of 47 know how it is. She belongs to a group that is growing, "invisible homeless". Today, specially opened a shelter for that group.
Dixy lives with her two adolescent daughters in a rent house in Hoofddorp. Still. The house is from the city and sold. After the summer they have the house. The hair does not manage to find their own place. Her story is not poignant enough: many aid schemes and shelter locations will not qualify because she has no addiction or psychological problems.
Dixy came a few years ago in financial trouble when she divorced her husband: "We had a good life in our owner-occupied After the divorce left my ex abroad, he has no steady income I could loan that we.. had concluded not to pay and ended up in debt. "
A new owner-occupied was not an option, but hiring neither worked. Private rent was too expensive and for social housing they landed on the waiting list. "I used to think that if you were in debt you had made a mess of your life. Now I know that it can happen to anyone."
Poverty in the Netherlands:
The number of homeless people in the Netherlands is increasing. 31,000 people have no permanent place to live. there are 13,000 homeless people added in the last six years. That is an increase of 74 percent.
17,800 homeless in 2009
27,300 homeless in 2012
31,000 homeless in 2015
Among homeless CBS understands anyone who has no permanent place of residence and thus sleeping on the streets, in shelters or with friends or family.
It is not clear exactly how many families there are homeless in the Netherlands. According to the Trimbos Institute about a thousand families are caught in the 'social care'.
Dixy suddenly had her children with her mother in the seniors housing "That was a huge shift I have been talking tough with you sitting with two captains on one ship..."
After eight months moved to a shipyard, she could go for two years. Then she went to the anti-squat house where she still lives. Now she is out of debt, but it was not easy to get out of debt: "If you live on social assistance level, you can make any trips you need at the grocery store watching all expenses and you suddenly say 'no' if you. children want to do something with boyfriends or girlfriends. "
According to the Association of Dutch Municipalities (VNG) Dixy is no exception. More and more families on the streets. A statement the VNG not exactly, but "probably has more to do with the aftermath of the economic crisis."
It is not known how many of these 'invisible' homeless living in the Netherlands. These are mainly single mothers with children who fall between the cracks and do not qualify for a house. "Often there are temporary places available for families, but that is only temporary and there is a shortage of (social) rental housing," says VNG spokesperson Lianne ter Maat.
Special care
The Rotterdam foundation Towards House also got more and more applications from families. Today is the official opening of a reception center that is specifically designed for people who have a difficult spot because they are addicts or have mental problems. They have special family rooms.
All set they have not yet said Yolanda Groeneweg of the foundation: "We received a week ago, only the key We depend on donations and we are still looking for stuff for the device, but the people we can accommodate now need anyway. not to sleep on the street. "
These are temporary shelter. It is intended that the families make place after about six months for other families. But that time is not holy, Groeneweg says: "We want to help the families to a new home, it is therefore a temporary shelter, but it's not that we put people on the street, that would be inhuman..."
Not good for my kids
Dixy find a nice initiative of the foundation, but its situation is this form of care still not ideal. "This is yet again temporarily. I am for the children really looking for something solid, a private place. It is not good to move constantly. They have to process a lot of misery had by those money problems and divorce."
Dixy is not a problem to do her story. She just wants attention for her situation. Therefore, she also collaborated with her daughters to the "Life in the Shadow:" I'm not ashamed, I can not do anything here I hope people understand that something needs to change when they hear my story.. "
More social housing
Politicians should intervene, says Dixy. For example by prohibiting housing associations to sell social housing: "There is a shortage of social housing, the waiting lists are too long they should not sell those houses, there should recover just social housing.."
Provisional Dixy has found a new home. This creates uncertainty for her and the children. "We want to stay in the neighborhood, provide stability for the children. But now I have no idea where I can live after the summer."
If you are curious about the full documentary Life in the Shadow: the film will be shown on July 1 at 19:15 pm in the Cultural Building in Hoofddorp.
By Editor Yahoo! News Photo: Yahoo! News
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