Brexit-the result of the referendum, the Labour Party (the British Labour Party) in a heavy political crisis.
Half of the top of the party would plan to resign. This should be party leader Jeremy Corbyn put pressure so much that he himself throws in the towel.
Labour has campaigned against a Brexit. The result of the referendum is hard arrived at the party. Party leader Corbyn is now under attack because he is far too little would have made efforts during the campaign.
Rapids last night is the crisis within the party gained momentum. According to the BBC's foreign spokesman Hilary Benn has Corbyn called up to trust in him. A few hours later would Corbyn already have beaten back: Benn is from the shadow cabinet. But Corbyn has his critical party members not yet knocked out beaten, it now appears.
Heidi Alexander, the party leadership half health spokesman, according to the BBC has already announced that they are with a ' heavy heart ' is going to resign. And it doesn't stop there. The broadcaster is reporting that half the shadow cabinet would resign in order to force its function Corbyn.
CORBYN is only since september to power in the party. Labour then selected for the ' most controversial leader ever '. CORBYN is pronounced links. So he wants to nationalize the energy suppliers and British railways and he advocates much state intervention in the British health care. Within the Labour Party, he was not uncontroversial. In 18 years time he agreed more than 500 times against the line of his own party.
By editorial RTL News Photo: AFP
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