This afternoon the final initiative-should Member of Parliament Joram van Klaveren Bill in Netherlands from the EU via a referendum. ,, There is a great tension between what the people and the representatives of the people, '' says Verma.
Very recently, the State Council MAINLY of advice provided on the initiative-Bill to a referendum. If the VNL is, get the browser the following question before:,, are you for or against Netherlands's retirement from the European Union? ''
Profit problem is that there is no majority in the House of representatives now for hetinitiatiefwetsvoorstel of MAINLY. In any case, it is, in the House of representatives discussed, that is profit '', Van Klaveren. The real profit is still what behind the horizon. ,, We hope that after the second general election of 15 March 2017 a majority for such a referendum. The chance is greater that it is successful. ''
Vijay points to polls by research agencies. ,, You will see a great tension between what the voter finds and representative democracy. Most Parties react defensively. But with a referendum allow you the current state of affairs right away. From polls show that in Netherlands between 40 and 50 percent for a Nexit feels. ''
By Editorial AD Photo: REUTERS
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