Her cousin calls her ' a woman with balls '. Itself is Deborah Lackey-van den Boom there several days later under fairly sober. The 38-year-old Bergse was this week national news as a victim of a continued abuse of power video of the so-called Street hyenas.
In a film of less than a half minutes to see how the car Deborah by a young lad being stopped on the street in Bergen op Zoom. Boy opens twice the door of her car and even try to get in.
Lameir says the boy vain for his behavior. In the background encouraging the guys who are filming everything to save the boy to the woman. "Scared? No, I was not a moment," says the Bergse. "But I was angry. What inspires some kid doing? And so brutal, too."
Deborah Lameir Saturday came back from a birthday in Hoeven, in the backseat of her daughter and her 7 year old son 6. "Both exhausted, they wanted to go to bed."
With the port in sight Lameir is upheld by a large group of children. "You see it on the video, but there were between thirty and fifty I thought at first that one boy wanted to ask me something, but then he suddenly pulled the door was my first thought.. My handbag. That I caught right. But I was not really angry when he made the door open with my son. when it was ready for me. "
By Editorial AD Photo: Ron Magielse
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