According to the party, there was the fuss by a ' wrong ' toilet visit from people who are not clearly male or female. The change allows for plenty of discussion on the social media.
,, Or D66 has nothing better to do "and, once, when does the politics with sensible things deal". D66 itself thinks that the so-called transgender this helped. In Netherlands feels 1 to 4 percent of the population are not clearly male or female. It would go to 1000 people from Utrecht. They are faced with every toilet visit that they are not in one of the standard cabins. This leads on the toilet sometimes to tension because visitors will find that the wrong toilet is used, thus the Utrecht party.
D66-Group Chairman Klaas Verschuure says:,, if we can help this group of people by the signs to adjust at the toilets, I find that to do that. "
If the experience of the neuter toilet are good, the gender-neutral toilets in consultation extended to the City Hall and other municipal buildings. Utrecht is the first municipality with a gender neutral toilet. The Amsterdam University College and the University of Leiden have recently also become gender neutral.
By editorial Telegraph/Photo: TLG
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