Contraband as drugs and mobile phones are available in large quantities in Dutch prisons. In the correctional facility Vught and the former prison in the last few years alone, several hundreds of finds recorded.
This is the conclusion of documents about many hundreds of finds in the years 2012-2016. They are released by the service at the request of the ANP Judicial institutions (DJI). The institutions are not required to register the finds. Thereby, there is no complete picture. But from the reviews that do track, it appears that some institutions were forbidden Ubiquity.
This is often to soft drugs but sometimes also to heroin and cocaine. Also phones are often found. Last year turned out detainees from several institutions even pictures to post on the global ' crooks account ' 187gangsters on instagram.
At the drugs often involve small bits, but also arranged to ' trade quantities ' of tens of grams at a time. In Alphen, where also many drugs come in, are in 2014 even once 144 suspected ecstasy pills found. In 2012, at a detainee in the former prison of Alkmaar even scoops of cocaine with a total weight of 400 grams. Another striking find in Alphen was a Jerry can with content to stirring up alcohol.
"It's a constant cat and mouse game"
Spokesman DJI
Already when entering the controlled contraband discovered, but often enough also a celinspectie. Visitors often take the stuff with it and sometimes prison staff involved. But there have also been reports of drugs and phones that simply be hurled over the wall.
"Daily work the staff of DJI hard to make devices to keep free of contraband," a spokesman for the Ministry of security and justice. According to the spokesperson DJI makes use of many different agents such as search, celinspecties, drugs dogs and detectors. "Nevertheless, inmates will always keep trying to introduce prohibited goods within, because there is indeed always demand. They also get help from the outside. It is thus a constant cat and mouse game. ''
By editorial Het parool: Photo: REUTERS
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