At vermissings business information on mobile phones can make the difference between life and death. The Ministry of security and justice would now that the police more powers to the phone of missing people.
For example, the police can determine where the phone of the missing is, or has been. But the police may now not just that information for privacy reasons. That should only if there is a direct cause is to think that it is a crime.
Serious consequences from a survey commissioned by the Ministry showed already that the current legislation in 2014 deficit shot in detecting vermissings Affairs. "In practice for the police is not always possible to get the data it considers necessary. This may, in accordance with the experience of police officers serious and even deadly consequences for the missing people. "
The Ministry is now working on new legislation. Intention is to that after the summer off. How the law exactly is customized, a spokesman for the Ministry not say yet. So it is not yet clear in what will soon be a phone vermissings business the police should gauge.
The police attracts approximately 40,000 reports of missing persons cases. Nearly 80 percent is within 24 hours. At approximately 8000 people per year that is not the case.
By Editorial RTL News: Photo: REUTERS
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