Can anything beat of "abduction story by Mark J., suspected of the murder of millionaire Koen Everink? Looking for evidence that the J is not the killer, he plays tonight in Bilthoven the leading role in the reconstruction of his side of the story.
The Hoflaan in Bilthoven, where Edwards was stabbed to death on the night of 3 March 4, is completely dropped for the reconstruction. Behind the scenes takes the story from what is according to Mark j. would have happened that night.
While the prosecution believes the j. Edwards stabbed because of money debts he had with the millionaire, the accused says hey look after a night football outside for Everinks by was ' kidnapped '. J. was just a few meters driven away in his Golf GTI and tried rolling his belt to do. Suddenly four men jumped on his car and dragged him out. Under threat of a gun was the j. put in the backseat.
J. had a hat on his head, saw nothing, but noticed that the car was in reverse, to the house of Edwards. Two men got out, several minutes were gone and stepped in again. After that they drove the Soestdijkseweg left and turn right at a roundabout. As the men left the j. behind in his car. Probably the Antonie van Leeuwenhoek Avenue. He then drove away in a panic.
Badr Hari j. suspects that his kidnappers Koen Edwards have killed. Because there were Moroccans with, equally cautious people put the link that Badr Hari a warm heart. Kickboxer Badr battered Edwards in 2012 in the Amsterdam Arena. Edgecombe asylum even against Hari.
J. told the story initially to the police. The last thing to him at the end of the kidnapping was snarled was "keep your head about 28 days, otherwise we know your sister, your mother and find your girlfriend." Where that period of 28 days is unclear from.
After his arrest a few weeks later, he came up with the kidnapping story. Tonight he plays himself in the reconstruction. In addition, the same vehicle is used as the j. had. Interestingly, the car has three doors; which is important because the j. itself claims thrown in the rear during the abduction.
Claims will only be known during the litigation.
By Editorial AD Photo: Reuters
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