The Hague (Neth.)-Secretary of State Martin van Rijn (public health) has published Tuesday the list of nursing homes that perform poorly.
Several parties had insisted on it in the House. The Chamber will this week debate with Van Rijn on the situation.
The Health Inspectorate (Inspectorate) has the biggest worries about these eleven institutions: Careyn, Evean Care Amsterdam, Foundation Amstelring Group Foundation Antroz anthroposophic residential care group, Foundation Movement 3.0, Humanitas Foundation, Foundation IJssel Heem Holding, Laurens Foundation, Foundation Woonzorgcentra Haaglanden ( WZH) Foundation Zorggroep Florence Care Group and Groningen.
The mother of Secretary of State Van Rijn incidentally, lives in an institution of one of the aforementioned foundations.
The nursing homes are divided into the following categories:
1. Intensive continued oversight
This means visits within an organization in a short time administration calls and multiple (unannounced) occur at different locations of the healthcare facility.
On this basis, the inspection is going to give an opinion on the entire healthcare organization or have already done so.
2. Continued Surveillance
The Inspectorate continued surveillance in the form of visits and / or board meetings. The inspection tests so that the setting of the deficiencies identified, dissolves. If that is the case, the inspection concludes the monitoring program at that location (see 4).
3. Pending outcome report whether continued supervision needed
The inspection found deficiencies in one visit. The setting of the inspection is to make a report on how it addresses these deficiencies and / or has dealt, called the result report. The inspection determines the receipt of this report or results continued monitoring is necessary (see 2).
4. Monitoring trail closed
This means that the inspection in 2016, the health care institution not revisit from risk supervision. If messages or other signals give cause for monitoring, inspection will again monitor in the form of visits and / or board meetings.
That these institutions often do not meet the standards, does not mean that all nursing homes covered by such an institution underperforming. The quality and safety of care may be in order in one location, while a different location of the same provider considerable shortcomings, according to the inspection. The reports of the visits of the Inspectorate have been published previously.
The institution Foundation Woonzorgcentra Haaglanden (WZH) came last year in the news when the father of Van Rijn complained about the lack of care for his demented wife in one of the locations. The Deputy Minister stated later that the organization was well picked up the incident and care had improved.
The Health Care Inspectorate (IGZ) concluded about 150 nursing institutions Monday in a report that quite a number can not handle properly care for the elderly. Eleven of the institutions the concerns were so strong. But another 38 nursing homes do not good enough and remain under the close supervision of the inspection.
VVD MP Sjoerd Potters: ,, It is good that we now finally know what nursing homes to better. I want the security in all nursing homes in order in any case before the end of the summer. Because it's your worst nightmare if you for example receive the wrong medication administered father or mother. "
By Telegraph editors: Photo: ANP XTRA
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