In the first half of this year, the number of fatal accidents in the construction industry increased significantly. One of the causes is the poor communication on the construction sites.
That says the inspection of SOCIAL AFFAIRS and EMPLOYMENT, the former Labour Inspectorate. "On a construction site are also many languages spoken in addition to Dutch as Polish, Romanian and English. Misunderstandings in the communication thereby arise, "says Marga Acid beer of the SOCIAL AFFAIRS and EMPLOYMENT.
"We see on the construction sites that more and more construction workers walk around for which hinders who is responsible for their safety. Also lack good cooperation arrangements between the parties. "
The first six months of this year 1310 construction workers were taken to the hospital due to a serious accident. They love there is often a permanent injury. That number is 14 percent higher than the same period last year.
The largest increase was seen among fatal accidents: that's with more than half increased to as many as 42 fatalities.
For some construction accidents anyway?
In more than half of the accidents is the falls from a height or stumble the cause.
In almost a quarter of the cases, construction workers hit by objects, products or other parts.
In addition, 15 percent a serious accident by contact with machines, tools and vehicles on the construction site.
Building construction companies on calls to Netherlands to check for particular at risk of a sharper, the safe handling of machinery and a clear communication. "Especially now that the number of construction projects increases, more and more often on tight inner-city locations, it is unfortunately more often wrong. It is therefore more direct supervision and clear agreements about responsibility, also with the client. In addition we also argue for clear communication with professionals for temporary, specialist work.
The figures of Social Affairs and employment:
- compared to the first six months of last year there were 56 percent more fatal accidents
- with the number of serious accidents increased by 14% in the number of research taken
- complaints and signals is 16 percent higher
By Editorial RTL News: Photo: REUTERS
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