,,Virgin. Beautiful. 12 years ... the price is $ 12,500 (11,300 euros), they will be sold soon. "The ad does shiver in Arabic, but is unfortunately not an isolated case. IS makes full use social media to be sex slaves trading. Lamiya Aji Bashar is exposing the atrocities and therefore iS become the face of the slave trade.
The more losing ground to the terror group, the more important the some 3,000 hostages Yezidis women are in their eyes. To give you an idea: were captured since the girls in August 2014, there were approximately 134 monthly escape. In the last six weeks, that number has dwindled to 39. Whoever tries to save them, is killed without mercy. This story shall the New York Daily News.
The victims are sold like cattle through smartphone apps, especially Telegram plays an important role. That chats kept secret and even can be destroyed, the extremists play obviously in the map. They can quiet their 'database' share, accompanied by photographs of victims and the name of their owner. The system also helps them to prevent escapes.
,, Each slave is put into the system. If such a person to a checkpoint IS stopped, she's out for the effort. They know immediately that she is on the run and to whom they belong, "said the founder of charity Luftbrucke Iraq.
Lamiya Aji Bashar has finally escaped in March after four earlier attempts at nothing had turned out. However, they did not come unscathed from the battle, a landmine exploded, her flight companions Almas (8) and Katherine (20) would not survive.
Lamiya was blind in her right eye and her face became horribly maimed, but she counts herself among the lucky. ,, I made it, thank God. I was able to escape the unbelievers. Even if I had lost both eyes, it would have been worth it, "said the 18-year-old home in the Iraqi city Baadre.
48 faces
Lamiya speaks for the many victims. Through an activist got to see the news agency AP 48 faces of girls who are trafficked. They all look straight into the camera, some are heavy gemaquilleerd. Nobody seems older than thirty years, many have even just leaving school.
These 48 girls and young women also belongs Lamiya. She was abducted from Kocho, a village which is not far from Sinjar. Her parents are probably dead, her nine-year-old sister Mayada's still of IS in the claws. On a photo she could send to her family, she has to see an IS flag.
Five other sisters could have escaped and moved to Germany. A younger brother was detained for months in an IS-training camp in Mosul, but he also had a lucky escape.
Beaten and abused
Lamiya himself was one of the IS-executioner on the other passed. Each time she was beaten and abused. Her first 'owner' was an Iraqi commander IS often tied her. She tried twice to run away, as punishment she was beaten and raped.
After a month she was again sold, another two months later, she ended up with a bomb maker. She had to help make yourself bomvesten and car bombs. ,, Too, I tried to escape, but in vain. Again I got beaten. "
Heart remains in Iraq
When the man was fed up with her, she ended up in an IS-doctor in Hawija. After the umpteenth abuse they could put on the sly touch this time with home. Her uncle gave 800 dollars (720 euros) to smugglers to free her, and with success. Now they will move to Germany, but her heart remains in Iraq. ,, We had there a nice house, with a large farm. I went to school. It was a beautiful life. "
IS uses social media services with so-called end-to-end encryption, where messages are protected and can only be read by recipients. The IS-members use primarily Telegram, but to a lesser extent, WhatsApp and Facebook . Is it not time that companies do something about it?
,, Telegram is particularly popular in the Middle East, "said spokesman Mark Telegram Ra. ,, Unfortunately attracts that even people with bad intentions to. We try to avoid abuses as much as possible. If we can trace IS channels, those immediately removed. "
Mother for sale
But in the meantime, for example, a mother with a three-year-old and a seven month old baby for sale via WhatsApp. ,, She wants her owner sells, "the caption reads. The price? $ 3,700 (3,340 euros). ,, We have here the least understood," said spokesman Matt Steinfeld. ,, Those accounts go there immediately. We encourage people to notify us such abuses. "
By Editorial AD Photo: AP
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