WOERDEN - The vast majority of the military wants an end to the ban to wear a uniform outside working hours.
According to a poll by union AFMP that finds nearly 85 percent that a line must pass through the measure.
The ban took effect because of terror threats in September 2014. Minister Hennis (Defense) wanted them to prevent soldiers were victims of attacks such as occurred in Britain.
The decision was taken in consultation with the National Coordinator for Counterterrorism (NCTV). According NCTV are independent of elevated threat towards uniformed throughout Europe, no concrete evidence of attacks on soldiers in our country. Yet Defence still maintains the ban on travel uniform. That's a lot of soldiers not good, according to the poll.President Anne-Marie Snels military union, the professional pride of soldiers explains the high percentage of opponents.
"Soldiers are proud of their profession and want to convey what it stands for: the defense of the security of our country and its citizens. Our members do not want to succumb to terrorist threats. As one soldier said, "If a soldier has to hide from violence, then it is time that the Dutch people are worried begins to make '".
Snels into question the effectiveness of the uniform ban. Those who want evil can easily find in its military. In the vicinity of the Ministry instance or in military exercises which are usually announced. In many cases driving defense personnel in easily identifiable official vehicles.That soldiers not allowed to wear their service dress, called the union woman 'symbolic politics'.
In response to the criticism already expressed more soldiers, served parliamentarian De Roon (PVV) in May a motion with the aim of lifting the prohibition uniform. He received support from his own party, the CDA, the SGP and the group Bontes / Van Klaveren, but that was not enough to get adopted the motion.
By Telegraph editors: Photo: Reuters
(Soldiers want to get back in uniform on the streets)
Theorem of the Day: Do you think the soldiers after their time in uniform on the street can walk?
Click for participation on the facebook link: https://poll.fbapp.io/militairen-willen-weer-in-uniform-over-straat
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