The animal welfare organization believes that the supermarket is doing too little to ensure the quality of life of pigs.
"In 2011, Dirk was the first supermarket chain said switching to meat with a Better Life Quality Mark '' said Hans Oulton, director of the foundation at Metro. "But five years later is still more than half of the pork produced in an unlawful manner."
According Pigs in Need has 46 percent of the meat with Dirk on the shelves is a Better Life Quality Mark, one star.
According to the foundation, Dirk must take more responsibility for the welfare of the pigs."The production of pork is accompanied by a lot of commotion. It's like child labor, "said Oulton.
The foundation released last year a table outside with abuses in the Dutch pig. According Baaij is all about too little space in stables, sick or injured animals are left to their fate and bad feed which will give the pigs heartburn. "Supermarkets can improve these things," he says.
In February gave Pigs in Need already supermarkets Dirk and Jumbo for the court to days that no action would be taken. "Jumbo moves forward. Dirk is stubborn. That's why we sent the summons to Dirk, but we also had other supermarkets can sue. "
Dirk says in response that there is no evidence that the pork produced in violation of the law. The company points out that the Food Authority (NVWA) that closely monitors.
"Dirk knows NVWA not have enough capacity and therefore leave a lot of work," responds Baaij. "Therefore, we would like them to switch to the Better Life label, they have that ability though."
The supermarket chain claims to have several times in Pigs in Distress knocked on the question of which products would be contrary to the rules. The foundation would not have responded to this request.
The first hearing is on 27 July.
By Editorial Metro: Photo: Colourbox
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