It is very likely that the severity of terror threat the next time increases, says the National Coordinator for combating terrorism and security (NCTV). To what extent have terrorists Netherlands on the grain? Five facts.
1. The Netherlands target
Terrorist networks and cells in Europe are also a threat to the Netherlands. The extent to which our country is considered as a target among jihadists is relatively high. The NCTV says that we are seen for some time "as a country where anti-Islam statements given free rein. In addition, we participate in the anti-IS coalition along with France, Germany, the United Kingdom and the United States.
2. Yes, there is risk of an attack
The chance of an attack in the Netherlands, is real. In European countries may be new attacks in the short term. But there are no concrete indications that an attack is being planned in the Netherlands.
3. Terrorists in Netherlands
The NCTV could "not exclude" that there IS terrorists or accomplices in the Netherlands. Dutch jihadists join the terrorist struggle in Syria and Iraq. In addition, they can
pose a threat to security in the Netherlands. They can also be used in attacks in other European countries.
4. Networking across borders, but little visible
Networks that can play a role in terrorist activities of jihadists, little heed to national borders. There is since end of last year set increasing links with the Netherlands in research on transnational networks and attack cells. As suspects were in March in Rotterdam arrested in an investigation into a French network, which would possibly carry out attacks in France. Also suspected aanslagcel that was rolled in Germany, had possible ties with the Netherlands.
Both on the Internet and in public let Dutch jihadist networks will see little since the second half of 2015. This is partly due to Syria and exits because jihadists have been arrested. They keep quiet also because they are afraid of being arrested. Well NCTV speaks of a "permanent potential threat" of Dutch jihadists, who communicate via social media together. They use social media in a professional way to recruit young people and influence. They do also through encrypted channels.
5. Less Foreign rebel fighters in the Syrian Civil War
Since early this year, the number uitreizigers departing a month off Netherlands. July 1 was returned, the number of people since 2012 been traveling at about 260. About 40 of them are in the Netherlands and 42 people died. At this moment are 170 people from the Netherlands in Syria and Iraq present, including women and minors.
By Editorial RTL News: Photo: Reuters
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