President Barack Obama has during a memorial ceremony in Dallas for the five shot agents are paid tribute to the work of the American police. Also he held a speech against weapons.
Obama was the main speaker at the memorial service in Dallas. There were five empty chairs in the room, symbolic of the killed agents. Their portraits were on the stage. The agents were murdered by a black man. In revenge, because two black men were shot by white police officers.
"In our streets are not soldiers or militias, but public officials ' ', Obama said." They rarely hear a thank you. But we flood the streets with weapons. Children come more easily to a gun than a book or computer. ''
Criticism removed RTL News correspondent Erik mouthaan: "the president got in conservative circles criticism that he took up the previously much more extensive for the victims of police brutality than for killed agents.
That image he wanted to remove for good with this speech. "" Obama is accustomed to giving after seven years of dreary speeches after national tragedies, but according to the White House he has these personally written speech, because he wanted to speak right from his heart, "said mah.
Obama stressed that his country is based on the principles of the rule of law. "We're trying to see some sense somewhere in our suffering. How unlikely it sounds, we are already very far. We must resist despair. ''
Obama spoke after the memorial service with relatives of the five agents.
By Editorial RTL News/REUTERS: Photo: AFP
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