The missing Derek Essabaouni from Amsterdam is again. This reports the family of 21-year-old boy Thursday morning to AT5.
"We are extremely pleased and relieved that he is right again," said Soufyan's cousin, who around 07:00 in the morning was briefed about the return of the boy. The police have confirmed release Soufyan's and later comes with more announcements about the case.
It is still a mystery what exactly happened with the man. He was last seen a week ago in Zwanenburg, where he was klemgereden in a parking lot by another car. At the time that he wanted Derek flights was under fire, but it's not clear what happened next.
Soon was talked out of a kidnapping, although there would be mistaken identity. Derek is never came in contact with the police, but his uncle though. That would again have contacts with Wendel Meijer, who was kidnapped Saturday in Zaandam. The two abductions were related. Wednesday, the mother of Derek still AT5 know distraught. "We all live in a hell. The whole family, we here at home, worse really can't. "
By Metro: Editorial Photo: Police
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