NICE - Bastille Day, the French national holiday, Nice has been a mourning border when a truck drove into the partying crowd.
Truck drives into partying crowd
On the boulevard in Nice, Promenade des Anglais, was a fireworks show just ended when around 22:30 a white truck drove into the crowd on the boulevard.
Dozens of people were injured.The death toll now stands at 80. Eighteen people are in critical condition in hospital. The number of victims could be much higher.In the truck were found according to the French newspaper Le Figaro explosives, weapons and ammunition.
It is questionable whether the attack on Thursday evening was claimed by terrorist Islamic State.That's Régis Le Sommier, the deputy director of the French magazine Paris Match reported or reported via Twitter, but later he pulled into his tweet because it was not confirmed. Le Sommier is journalist written about Iraq and Afghanistan.
French media reported that the victims scattered scattered over a distance of almost two kilometers.The truck would be plowed through the crowd at a speed exceeding 50 kilometers per hour and thereby have made countless victims.
Others fled in panic from the disaster site. The fear of a terrorist attack is high, fed by the sound of shots.
An eyewitness reported according to Dutch NOS that a man shot at the crowd. Another Dutch eyewitness said he saw "many" bodies.
Local newspaper Nice Matin showed a picture of the truck is shown.Police officers keep the car on the photo at gunpoint. France24 reported that would have taken place a shootout between police and people in the truck. On Twitter circulated a photo that shows that the truck windshield was riddled with bullets. The truck driver was shot.Anti-terror units bolted off the field. The authorities asked people to stay home.
Mayor Philippe Pradal Nice said on twitter that this is the greatest tragedy in the history of Nice. "More than 70 victims are regrettable."
At the same time it was also reported that there was a hostage situation going on in restaurant Buffalo Grill, but it was later withdrawn.
The gendarmerie, put the national police in France, the attack on the Promenade des Anglais in Nice asked people not shocking photos and videos on social media, and not to spread rumors. They also called to remain residents of Nice inside, to avoid the city center, social workers not to obstruct and minimize call emergency telephone numbers.
Friday's are still unclear whether Dutch are among the victims. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs in The Hague announced that it will be sorted out.
The ANWB has received no messages and the site have reported sixty people to let the home know that they are okay. It is not clear whether they all are Dutch.
By Telegraph editors: Photo: gutjar on twitter
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