Permanent shelter for asylum seekers in Amsterdam is not (more) possible. However, the possibilities of another solution for people that can not be investigated away.
Writes Van der Laan mayor in a letter to the city council. The letter is a response to a motion by the members Paternotte (D66), Groot Wassink (GroenLinks) and Peters (SP) submitted in 2014.
They requested the college then at Utrecht example with the Central Agency for the Reception of Asylum Seekers (COA) to consult on the continued reception of aliens who become exhausted during their stay in Amsterdam COA facilities.
The motion long remained open. It is now known that an asylum seekers' center opens in Amsterdam on August 1st. The municipality has therefore launched a consultation with the COA, the AVIM (foreigners polite) and the Repatriation and Departure Service (DT & V). The latter party has not seen as potential permanent shelter indicated during the talks.
However Searching for another rich solution for people who for one reason or another can not return to return to their country of origin back within the statutory 28 days. When a foreigner gets a residence permit, he or she still up to 28 days right care at the COA. Within that time frame, the refugee has to arrange a departure from the Netherlands.
Although the responsibility of the alien itself, a departure by organizations active or stimulated in an asylum seekers' center. How a solution for people who could not look away can see within 28 days is not yet clear. A follow-up meeting on the issue is scheduled for late August.
By Editors watchword: Photo: Reuters
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