With the new project Oumnia Works, that Thursday afternoon in the Hague Schilderswijk is presented, the municipality of the Hague put mothers in as a weapon against radicalization.
Mothers often feel that their children radicalize. They have a ' gut feeling ', but usually come not in action. Travels to Syria or if their child is arrested for a crime with terrorist intent, they remain behind with the cry of despair ' if only I had... '.
The city of the Hague has broken with the project that maternal passivity Oumnia Works, that Thursday afternoon has been presented in the Hague Schilderswijk. ' By the right chord can mothers be used as a powerful tool in the fight against radicalisation and terrorism ', says Yvette Westerveld, Deputy Director of Security of the municipality. ' Spearhead in our approach to jihadism is the increase of social resilience. That can not be imposed from above, but must come from the city itself. '
To this end, the municipality has called on residents with initiatives. Karima Sahla, a mother from the family members of radicalising young people since 2005 Schilderswijk assists, signed up with Oumnia Works. (Oumnia means hope in Arabic, oum mother). The aim of the project ' by and for mothers ' is women's awareness of the risks that their children walk. It is based on the experiences of Muslim mothers themselves. Who often struggle with puberty by their children, their identity crisis, the other experience of religion. As ' the lower abdomen is brewing ' traits that mothers not on the call, often out of fear that their children from home.
The past few months, about 150 mothers the Hague program. The project has been evaluated and taken over by the national training establishment Radicalisation (ROR), a collaboration of the National Coordinator for counter-terrorism and security and Judicial Service Training Institute establishments. After the summer, also in other municipalities rolled out.
' If only I Had, that I heard in 2005. In 2013, when the first young people to golf Hague Syria uitreisde, I heard it again, ' says Sahla. The taboo on the subject radicalisation cripple the community. Sahla: ' Because mothers interrelated conversation going, we can break that taboo easier. ' Crucial is that is not the cases. If the municipality enters ' we're going to have your children on radicalisation ', hits the parents close.
Ice breaker
To break the ice, start the total of seven sessions with presentations of the actress Anita Palmer. That, kerchief, recites stories that are based on real events. So she plays a mother who sees her daughter slowly change, from a studious pupil in a pious, closed oyster. The school encourages her to speak with her daughter. She does nothing, thinks only ' they know it, they talk about it behind my back. ' The mother sees that the daughter more and more of the family. She is going to wear a Niqab, attracts black gloves. The mother knows no Council: ' who should I talk? I trust in Allah, then everything will be alright. ' Not so. The daughter leaves for the Caliphate.
Sahla: ' We insist that the mothers in their children. That is not always easy. As a child the IS-abominations glorified, cannot be sufficient with a reprimand. Mothers should find out why their child reacts. '
Role playing
Is also a mirror held up to the mothers themselves, in the form of role playing. Sahla: ' just after the attacks in Paris we played a mother after, and this really happened, which looking at the television cried out: "hump, you guys are doing this also in Syria and Iraq". In the presence of her children. '
Such a mother, says Ansari, has no idea what effect such a emotional note can have on her child. ' That can be outside on the street or at school just as go express and radicalize on term. '
Oumnia Works is not only meant to the jihad gang. From the Hague are between september and March 2015 2016 only five young people left to Syria or Iraq. Equally important is the Hague that the alienation process is slowed down and to prevent more and more Muslim young people of society.
The municipality works, based on Oumnia Works, now also on a project for Muslim fathers.
By Editorial Volkskrant: Photo: ANP
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