While most good under the quilt, starts the day for a separate group workers: night waitresses. Governor Theo Ballance of Limburg wanted to know how that well is – work in the middle of the night. Last week he turned across Limburg night shifts. The night editor of RTL News called him up.
Hi Theo, the RTL Nieuws night shift here. It is now almost three hours. What are you doing?
"I just participated in the paper. It is amazing how many different sectors of people at night are active. Everyone thinks quickly to the emergency, but the industry as well. There are made here tons of paper at night, you should you even imagine what would happen if there would not have worked. "
Have you ever worked nights?
"Never before in this way. In my profession is reading you ever been to an hour or two pieces, but real services like this week I do I do not know. But many people do so, sixteen percent of workers working regularly in the night. in Limburg that every night some 15,000 people. every year I do a kind of internship in the summer. This year I wanted to get acquainted with the people of the night shift. "
What's on the program?
"Well, what is not? It was a very busy week. I first walked with the emergency, the emergency center, police, fire, GP and ambulance. In the Limburg newspaper I worked on editing to printer for delivery in the second night, . the whole chain Night three, I worked in the transport:. ProRail, NedTrain and Maastricht airport Day four was marked concern:. the night shelter and a care Tonight I sit at the paper mill and a bakery Tomorrow night I close. the series of six nights with work in hospitality and tourism. first behind the bar, then prepare to the casino and the breakfast in a hotel. "
That sounds pretty busy. How do you like it?
"We're alive! I really happening impressive. I really appreciate very much what people do. It also strikes me how many different types of night workers there are. Of people who are always on the night work to people with irregular grids in shifts . or people with inactive on-call service Nearly everyone I speak says. it you have to be if you can sustain the first year, you still maintain it, but not everyone is making appropriate "...
By Editorial RTL News: Photos: RTL News
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