Three days after the attack in Nice are still eighteen wounded in mortal danger, including a child. A total of 85 victims still in hospitals.
Which has published the French Health Minister Marisol Touraine. This morning two new arrests in Nice carried out in connection with the attack. It involves a man and a woman. nothing has been published about their link with author Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel. The woman's ex-husband would be Bouhlel but that is not confirmed.
Motive a mystery
The motive of Bouhlel is still unclear. Before the attack he has sent an SMS with the text "I have the stuff" is still unclear who or why.
In the southern French city Thursday 84 people were slain when driving in the 31-year-old man with a truck deliberately on the Promenade des Anglais on the crowd. More than three hundred people were injured.
By Editorial RTL News: Photo:
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