The death penalty must be entered, thousands of soldiers are stuck and judges are massively out of their function. The Turkish president Erdogan has vowed to punish the coup perpetrators hard. Minister Koenders of Foreign Affairs and his EU colleagues call now on to rest.
"Stability and the rule of law are now incredibly important in Turkey, the Turks for itself and for Europe. It is also very important that there is no day of reckoning comes in Turkey ", said Minister Koenders this morning in Brussels just before he and his EU colleagues and the American Minister John Kerry to the breakfast moved to, among other things, to discuss the situation in Turkey.
' Restore ' Unit "everyone is relieved that the coup is knocked down, or, at least, is over," said Koenders. "Now the unit in the country be restored."
The EU countries are concerned that Erdogan uses his power to strengthen the failed coup. According to EU-buitenlandchef Frederica Mogherini is the ' message ' of the EU to Erdogan clearly. "The democratic institutions had to be protected in that tragic night. But that does not mean, of course, that the rule of law no longer applies. On the contrary, there should be institutional balance. "
Don't go too far ' we have to explain clearly that he is not too far can go with sanctions against the putschists, "said the Belgian Minister Didier Reynders.
John Kerry gave no comment on arrival. Erdogan demands the extradition of his rival Fethullah Gülen, which according to him behind the coup. Gülen lives in voluntary exile in the US.
' Not over ' spring cleaning
Or the situation in Turkey has consequences for refugees deal with the EU, could not say Koenders. "Here we go later on."
It is for the moment the question of whether Erdogan to the call of the EU countries will listen. Yesterday he said that ' the big spring clean ' is not over.
By Editorial RTL News: Photo: AFP
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