Once they were close friends Fethullah Gülen, the spiritual leader of a Turkish Islamic movement has followers around the world, and Recip Tayyip Erdogan, the great man of the Islamic AK Party.
But that friendship has grown cold in a few years and turned into deep hatred. According to Erdogan sat his former ally even behind the failed coup. Gülen denies, saying that Erdogan himself put the coup scene in order to increase its power.
Since 1997, lives spiritual leader Gülen in the United States, now he dares not return to his homeland. The Turkish imam began to preach in the 50's. His combination of faith and Turkish nationalism, according to Gülen, the Turks a chosen people, made him popular.Gülen has also always had as a goal to make the strictly secular Turkey more space for Islam. He therefore founded boarding schools for children where in addition to ordinary schools also taught about Islam.
Gulen and Erdogan traveled together for years, their goals were in that same time. Together they had it done to limit the power of the Turkish army and the strict separation of church and state to fade some.
This went well until Erdogan more and more power to itself toetrok and there Gülen openly criticized gave up. To break the power of Erdogan began Gülen supporters of a major corruption investigation into leaders within the AK Party in 2013.
Since that time completely wrong. According to Erdogan, the followers of Gülen behave like a cult. He fears their power and is therefore growing step up action. This year, among others, the newspaper affiliated with Gulen Zaman placed under the supervision of the government. Also fired his supporters, arrested and convicted. Especially judges, journalists and police officers were the victims.
The failed coup seems to be a new phase of hostilities between Gulen and Erdogan arrived.The tension between the AK Party and Gülen supporters also spread to other countries.Also in the Netherlands are Gulen supporters threatened and pelted their buildings.
"Erdogan is from impoverished backgrounds and now he lives in four palaces, success and power have poisoned him and destroy him," Gülen responded Monday in the German magazine Der Spiegel on the allegations. He spoke against having anything to do with the coup. "Because Erdogan himself has such power hungry, he thinks that everyone suffers it."
By Editorial Metro: Photo: AFP
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