In the criminal case about the failed assassination attempt in Diemen on criminal Peter R., aka Piotr, the expensive encrypted phones of two main suspects are cracked, reports Het Parool today.
In mail traffic they discuss the liquidation beforehand and afterwards in detail, in slang.
In a violent altercation after the failed attempt changes an unknown messages with suspects Atif M. The Prosecution hopes that the unknown is one of the principals or intermediaries.
Atif M. message the unknown: "They (arrested) swept Rambo and throw us all telies (phones) of" (...) "Bro G and I are safe throw Rambo and nefo teli them out now please."
The stranger writes to Mr. he wants to explain, then "no half-stories", they have "the waggie (car)? "How often have I said to not go together? Why are they just another car drove without looking?"
The stranger asks M. how the police knew where the suspects were driving around, why "the waggie" is not immediately flamed or gefikt (fired).
In the panic replied Mr. Atif, co-accused called their nickname and decides that he hopes that Peter R. die yet.
Initially different plan
The Prosecution sees plenty of new evidence against the main suspects, "without feeling and unscrupulous have to commit a liquidation.
Suspects discuss numerous locations that they have done in the days surrounding the murder, and how they want to liquidate Peter R.. They him actually already underway disguised as police with a police stop sign to stop had to force, but he was knocked off suddenly.
Prosecutor Koos Plooij "If that initial plan indeed was gone, Peter R. had probably been defenseless."
By Editorial AD Photo: Reuters
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