The authorities have since last week 26 received reports of patients treated in alternative cancer clinic Klaus Ross, the Dutch police announced today.
When the National Care Hotline came within fourteen reports, half of which was forwarded to the police for further investigation. German police received eight reports and have registered four people at the police eastern Netherlands.
The German and Dutch authorities called last week to take to contact all patients of the Clinic Klaus Ross , including those who have been treated for some time ago. It was clear by the Dutch police that many Dutch people visited the clinic.
Three deaths
For all clients of the clinic lost discredited, according to the police a concrete ,, health. The reason for the call was the death of three people who recently treated at the clinic. A Belgian woman (55), a man (55) from Apeldoorn and a woman (43) from Aalburg deceased shortly after each other.
German Inspectorate for Healthcare did last week declaration against Ross. Instead of a doctor to get there, Ross gave the patient a vitamin-injection and he sent to house them. Clinic Ross was searched by order of the public prosecutor in Krefeld. Thereby were screened include patient records and views used drugs. After inspection it the Four Sense Inspectorate did return.
Klaus Ross is a technician who previously sold hospital equipment. He had trained as a natural doctor and took a clinic for alternative cancer treatments in the summer of 2015. Brought about. Meanwhile, dozens of people reported to the German police who were treated in the clinic.
By Editorial AD Photo: Klaus Ross Center
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