Even though Edwin S. received a life sentence, the state should allow him to participate in activities to get used to the current society. That the court decided today.
Edwin S. went to court because the government banned him earlier to participate in the so-called rehabilitation. The judge asked him today in favor .
Edwin S. was sentenced to life imprisonment in 1994 for committing several violent robberies. Prominent one fatality.
Lifelong learning is
According to Dutch law, genuine lifelong learning. Early release is not there. It is possible to ask the King to pardon, but that is never given more in recent decades. Inhumane, say some experts in criminal law, the European Court of Human Rights and Edwin S lawyer ..
But perhaps there is some change. State Dijkhoff reported in early June that he wants to see an advisory committee or lifelong prison after a quarter-century opportunity a chance to return to society .
23.5 years fixed
Edwin S. sit those 25 years there almost; he stuck more than 23 years. He must therefore begin as soon as possible, according to his lawyer rehabilitate, because that is a prerequisite for future reference - if the current policy will be adjusted - to see if he is eligible for early release, as they say.
The judge there just thinks about. After a period of no later than 25 years should be assessed how far the rehabilitation of a lifetime has progressed punished in prison. "For that assessment is required relevant information," said the judge. This requires rehabilitation activities 'indispensable' to come to a good judgment. The judge is following the line of European law and the Supreme Court.
No permission for leave
Since Edwin S. longstanding's in jail, he has in the eyes of the court at least 18 months to "to make progress with his rehabilitation." "He is there now so all can start. The State must begin within ten days to draw up a plan. ''
The court shall not grant leave. S. therefor shall submit to the Council for Criminal Justice and Protection of Juveniles (RSJ) are.
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Lifetime 1870
- The life sentence was introduced in 1870 to replace the death penalty when it was abolished.
- There are currently 38 prisoners stuck with a life sentence. In seven cases, the criminal case is still ongoing.
- According to the guidelines of the Public Ministry's criminal life meant for the most serious offenses, for example, multiple deaths. Several times the judge imposed a life sentence for a single murder, but the culprit had other crimes on his slate.
- In 2003, the House passed a bill that impose allows leaders of terrorist organizations lifelong learning.
- The longest temporary prison sentence that can be handed out is 30 years. Before 2006 this was still 20 years. The new maximum penalty has been introduced to give judges more leeway between life and 20 years in prison.
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RTL News / Reuters Photo: Reuters
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