Four Dutch injured in Thailand bombings

Gepubliceerd op 12 augustus 2016 om 12:44

Four Dutch injured in Thailand bombings
12 Aug 2016 12:39

In the attacks last night and tonight are four Dutch injured in the Thai resort of Hua Hin.


This was announced by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The three women aged 49, 23 and 18 and a man of 72.

The women are still in the hospital. Two of them are seriously injured. The Dutch man was following treatment back home.

In other Thai tourist places were bombings, but it has not become clear whether Dutch victims there. At the Ministry in The Hague are almost no calls from distressed family members and acquaintances.


Mr Koenders says the Dutch embassy in Thailand is doing everything to help stricken Dutch and support. "Our sympathy goes out to the victims and their loved ones," according to a statement by the Minister.

By: NOS Editors: Photo: By AFP

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