Minister Lodewijk Asscher sees nothing in burqa ban, as have introduced various French seaside resorts. But he is not a fan of the all-covering swimsuit wear some Muslim women.
,, It does not seem pleasant to them to swim in the sea. But let's please give people the freedom to wear what they want. One sunning topless, the other in a bathing suit, '' said the Minister for Integration.
A burqa ban Asscher will not be necessary. ,, If you want to go on a weird way to water, the government can not simply ban. We do not determine what you can and can not wear. There is also no need for it. ''
Asscher has some problems with it when women are forced to attract a BURQINI. ,, Women are allowed to know how they dress. The government must stand up for freedom. ''
That some women cover themselves because they would otherwise be sinful, Asscher calls "a stupid principle. Asscher himself has never seen a BURQINI on the beach.
By editorial AD Photo: Reuters
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