Police have arrested the captain of the boat in which three people today in Harlingen were killed by a mast breakage.
The 51-year-old man from Stiens held responsible as the owner of the boat. It will be investigated whether the boat was in good condition.
On the sailboat broke the front mast. The boat at that time at sea, just outside the port of Harlingen. The pole landed on top of three crew members who did not survive it. It involves German men of 19, 43 and 48 years from Amberg.
The ketch after the accident back sailed to the port of Harlingen. All passengers who survived accident are collected at the police station.
On board the boat fourteen people were twelve Germans of one family, the skipper and his wife.
The Dutch Safety Board has begun an investigation into the accident.
By: NOS Editors: Photo: Reuters
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