Slightly less than half of Russians expect the elections will not proceed without fraud. Only 51 percent have confidence in 'clean' Russian elections.
According to research from the renowned Levada Center in Moscow. The fraud was committed by the respondents by both the parties and the government. Examples include: vote buying by the parties and manipulation of the results by the Electoral Commission.
Willing to sell voice
According to the survey, almost a quarter of the surveyed Russians (23 percent) willing to sell his vote, which is a reasonable price is referred to 5000 rubles (about 70 euros). But many would also be satisfied with less than half.
In 2011, the opposition said that the Duma elections were the dirtiest elections ,, since the end of the Soviet Union. "
The elections to the State Duma, Russia's lower house, on September 18th.
By editorial AD Photo: Reuters
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