Experts of the Trimbos Institute and Jellinek warn of a dangerous increase in the relatively new drug 4-FA, also known as ecstasy-light called. The drug is more or less legal in the Netherlands, but can have serious side effects. Presumably there already recently deceased users.
Research by the two organizations show that the use of the drug has increased significantly over recent years. According to experts there are great health risks to intake of the substance, such as heart problems and strokes. The drug is very similar to ecstasy, but has a milder intoxication effect.
Also addiction body Novadic Kentron doing a serious warning against the increasing drug use. Halfway through the dance season, according to the body almost as many reported incidents like the entire season last year. There may be killed by fallen.
According to experts contributes to the fact that 4-FA is not covered by the Opium Act, possibly to the idea that there are no dangers sit with their use. First aid organizations to large-scale events and other medical services that are connected to Monitor Drug Incidents have been reported within a short time a considerable growth in the number of health incidents after using 4-FA.
The complaints and problems vary from mild to severe headaches to stroke and heart problems.
It is according to the Trimbos Institute worrying that in a short time more patients have been hospitalized after taking four FAs. Symptoms often begin mild, but can worsen rapidly.Further research is, and has to decide about the suspicion that recently deceased people to the use of 4-FA.
Who is experiencing strong headaches after taking 4-FA is advised to apply directly to the emergency room of an event or GP.
By editorial AD Photo: Reuters
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