Bits of Freedom, the watchdog in the field of the protection of privacy on the Internet, understands the reluctance of ROC West-Brabant in the sex tape case of Werkendam Chantal.
Wednesday the court in Breda bent on whether the school should cooperate to find out who it private sex tape put on Facebook. Work Damme Chantal was seen that movie. She got first go to court to enforce that Facebook cooperated to find out who is responsible for the disclosure of the sexy video. The judge asked her the same.
Research showed that use of a computer at the Breda ROC. The school has difficulty being given access immediately also in the search for the perpetrator to the data of 4,000 students and staff.
Daphne van der Kroft of Bits of Freedom on the dilemma: ,, I think it's neat that the school Proper care. The public pressure to cooperate in tracing the culprit is high. But there are limits. Now prompts a private person to have access to all that data. That might be different if the police would do that research. Then there is a certain security because the police must abide by rules. Finding proof is important, but must be collected in a neat way. ''
By editorial AD Photo: Reuters
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