CASE 'GÜLENSCHOOL'De court this afternoon bends over whether four parents their comments on the alleged Gülen school IBS Roos must withdraw in Zaandam and rectify.
The pick four parents call their children from school and the elementary school would call a "terrorist organization" on social media. Reporter Victor Schildkamp present and twitters it live.
Foundation for Islamic Education Zaanstad (SiO) has called IBS Roos schools in Zaandam and Purmerend. The SiO is on social media accused of being a 'Gülenschool "which the foundation denies.
The four parents have removed their children from the school and call other parents to follow their example. They would have created a facebook group 'Terrorists School and other parents are bombarded with text messages, says Marcel Dekker, lawyer of the SiO. ,, The defendant parents spreading texts like:. "I would not want my child to a school of traitors '' Of the 411 students already have removed all 151 of school.
False accusations
,, The school is a terrorist organization called the staff Gülenterroristen. There is freedom of expression, but these are illegal false accusations, "said Dekker, who says that the school even held responsible in the WhatsApp group the failed coup attempt in Turkey. The school staff are threatened and fear. ,, they can not even travel to Turkey for fear of being arrested. Everyone is compromised by this slander. "
SiO wants all whatsappgroepen, facebook groups and any other social media activities of the parents are immediately lifted. The school requires an amendment to the parents, placed in De Telegraaf, which the defendant parents withdraw their accusations. The foundation wants the parents imposed a penalty.
Wrong shape
The lawyer of the parents, Edjer Köse begins his argument by saying that a lawsuit is not the proper form for the treatment of the issue. ,, Since the file is too large for that. "He therefore finds that the claim should be refused.
According Köse, the IBS Roos not put under pressure. ,, The school did not want to talk with my clients. "The lawyer gives his story the impression that the school was in any case not be saved. ,, Nine teachers have left the school. The quality of education is thus under pressure."
The coup in Turkey and the turmoil then have ensured according Köse that parents have removed their children from the school. His clients would have nothing to do with it. He is referring to the grim atmosphere that has emerged in the Turkish community between supporters of Erdogan and supporters of spiritual leader Fethullah Gulen. Erdogan accused the latter of being behind the coup.
Decided whatsappgroep
The defendant's parents first wanted a change in management at the Rose to dispel the concerns about the school. When that was refused, they began conscious whatsappgroep says Köse, who does wonders how messages are passed into the hands of the school and finds that the privacy of his clients has been violated.
Because it is a closed group, there can be no question of intimidation or pressuring the school staff, Köse argues. ,, You were only allowed if you let your kids not to Roos. So they simply could anyone put under pressure. "
The whatsappgroep was not meant to blacken the Rose, Köse continues. The defendant's parents would only have to identify who's got their children from the school.
By editorial AD Photo: Reuters
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