Many people are irritated by the government. The biggest annoyance is that under Dutch officials do not always seem knowledgeable enough to solve a problem. According to research commissioned by the National Ombudsman.
There is often wrong in the contact between the government and the citizen. This is done in many ways, for example by extending a driving license, applying for care or with questions about retirement.
Dutch give the contact with the government an average score of 6.5, according to the study among more than five hundred Dutch.
Insufficient understanding among government
The biggest annoyance is that officials do not always seem competent to solve a problem, says 51 percent of respondents. Another annoyance is that people often do not know where they're at, says 32 percent of respondents. Also, it takes 29 percent according often long before you get a response to a question.
They find it more frustrating that there is a lack of understanding of personal situations (28 percent of respondents). 40 percent of respondents experiencing communication problems with the government.
"More attention is needed for the contact and the relationship with citizens. The government should listen more actively, '' said National Ombudsman Reinier van Zutphen.
By Editorial RTL News: Photo: Yahoo! News
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