Ard van der Steur Minister of Security and Justice is again under fire because of the case of Volkert van der G. The lawyer of the murderer of Pim Fortuyn contradicts the letter to the House the minister Wednesday sent over the conditions of parole. Opposition MPs doubt whether they can still Van der Steur at his word.
The lawyer Van der G. William Jebbink, announced Friday in talkshow Pauw hear an audio recording of a conversation between his client and two Advocates-General of the Public Prosecution. The conversation was about the conditions of his release. The prosecution believes that psychological counseling to hear Van der G. disputes this. Advocate General Hans Pieters says in the clip: "We need a sales pitch. Direction of the Secretary of State, towards the minister. We just have to deal with. "
The fragment shows Van der G. psychological counseling is just for show. Jebbink lawyer argues that Van der Steur Wednesday in a letter to the House wrote "not the truth." The minister reported: "It does not appear that the Advocates General statements have done which suggests that they consider that the condition of psychological counseling has been imposed as a 'sales pitch'." Jebbink at Peacock: "What is in that letter is incomprehensible and can not be beat."
"Typically Van der Steur '
The opposition again wants clarification from the minister, but MPs openly doubt how the information Van der Steur shares with the Chamber's still worth it. "Typically Van der Steur," Michiel van Nispen responds to the SP. "Not fast, active, fully and correctly informed the House, as he now does is known for. This fits in that range. " The Minister may give back regarding his explanation.
Also Liesbeth van Tongeren GroenLinks recognize a pattern. "It is very difficult to maintain confidence in a minister when you repeatedly see that post just yet again showing something more than he initially claimed." Earlier, Van der Steur had to admit that the OM was involved in a photo shoot Van der G., something he had previously denied.
Earlier apologies
In other matters, the Minister came back on his words. After the attacks in Brusel he reported that the Netherlands had received information from the FBI, this proved to be information from the New York police. In the case of MH17 researcher George Maat, he admitted that the professor was wrongly fired. In the aftermath of the so-called Teevendeal he apologized to the House.
SP Euro-MP Van Nispen hesitates whether the case Van der G. should be re-debated in the House. He believes that Van der G. should be treated like any other convict and the Chamber must leave out. However, the minister gives reason to keep talking about the case. "A minister might not take so close you can not leave you alone with the truth."
Christian Union leader Gert-Jan Segers wants Van der Steur shares the whole recording with the House, 'if necessary in confidence. " He wonders whether the minister was misinformed by the PPS. "The Minister must clarify." Madeleine Toorenburg of the CDA is "surprised" that the lawyer has to hear parts of the tape but would also like to get the whole picture. She speaks of an "extremely sensitive issue." "The minister has to explain again what. A game is played with the return to society of the murderer of Fortuyn. That's very sad. "
By Editorial Volkskrant: Photo: Reuters
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