Striking hard words of Minister (VVD) tonight about Muslims and freedom in Netherlands. "An unprecedented vehement and impassioned plea", says political commentator Frits Wester.
Schippers, Minister of Health, Welfare and Sport, held tonight annual Elsevier reading. In it, she has expanded the 'paradox of freedom' : it states that we have confused tolerance with indifference Netherlands. This "we have not only ourselves, but also duped our newcomers," she says.
"We have to happen in some neighborhoods a generation of boys growing up that is more conservative than their parents," she says, among other things. And: "We have to happen that children born in the Netherlands born their parents in the Netherlands do not learn the Dutch language at home do not speak Dutch, Dutch not watch TV."
According to Schippers, we must more involved with each other. She's especially about fundamentalist Islam. There are too many looked away, says the minister. "Maybe it seems to ignore the easy way out. Because we think the slowly advancing unfreedom us, in our neighborhood, in our city, in our lives, will not touch. But it affects us all, deeper than we think."
Slowly advancing unfreedom
We conclude too much compromise on our core values, says the minister. At the expense of Muslim women who try to conquer some more freedom and Muslims who simply participate in this society. " Also comes at the expense of the elderly with little money and opportunities', which no longer feel at home in their neighborhood. "They are the ones for whom we have to fight. Who we are the freedoms that this country offers, must defend. For whom we never ever not to surrender our liberties. And I think we must be uncompromising in it."
That means, according to its radical Islamic groups no subsidy should be given more. "They make it difficult, very difficult on all fronts." A movement like Hiz-but-Tahrir should "feel our breathing down the neck" according to her. "We need to keep an eye on them closely and annoying. And if they move even a millimeter beyond the confines of our law, such as they teach young people to hate the Netherlands, where they will face the consequences." Flows from countries like Saudi Arabia and Turkey here 'are pumped in Koranic schools and mosques to spread this hostile thoughts "must be stopped.
"It remains conspicuously silent '
The VVD is especially concerned about the position of women in the Netherlands. When it comes to women's rights in the Muslim community in the Netherlands remains remarkably quiet, she says. "We make our pressure to the glass ceiling, which is our feminism. But we ignore that in our own country women trapped and can not work."
The Minister shall not sit to close the borders, she says. Why should 'tough agreements' are made to ensure that immigrants are less' rickety boats to Europe. "The necessary step is to subject the country to make the case tough appointments That should because it is the only way to stop this human tragedy that should -.. In the interests of balance and stability of our society."
The entrants must be in accordance with its 'clear rules' about what we accept and what not."Being clear about where our borders. And we need to communicate actively and intensively. Let's make sure people who enter our country from day one know what is expected of them."
'Passionate plea "
Frits Wester calls it an "unprecedented fierce and passionate plea" by the minister. "It's one of the hardest arguments that we have heard in times of the VVD." According to political commentator fits the lecture in the series of similar pleas from prominent VVD party leader as Halbe Zijlstra and Prime Minister Rutte yesterday in Zomergasten.
"It's not really tuned, they say the VVD. But Schippers gave himself to the contents or to share with Rutte. Her plea is not only meant to reach voters who are likely to switch to the PVV, but above all to draw attention to women and girls from these communities who are struggling, while much can and want to. "
By Editorial RTL News: Photo: Reuters
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