"With lead in my shoes, a bloody heart and a heavy conscience I write you this letter." A Belgian youth worker in an open letter has apologized for the death of the 19-year-old Jordy, who was found dead in a tent.
Yordy was last week found all alone in a tent in Ghent. He had no money to buy food and drinks.
"I want to apologize and sincerely hope that you can forgive me," the youth worker writes. "I tapped on the table but had damn hard must knock on the table. Sorry."
Youth institutions and foster homes
The death of 19-year-old Jordy makes many loose in Belgium. According to many people had prevented his death could be if the authorities had acted better. Jordy spent much of his life in juvenile institutions and foster homes, write Belgian media .
When he was eighteen he came to stand on their own feet. Jordy still lived here with his parents, but left. He wandered around for a while and refused help.
Jordy smoked the occasional joint, but fell further off by large crime, addiction or other problems. Therefore he fell between two stools and no one watched more of him.
"Instead of calling, I wheezed '
The youth worker feels guilty about the death of Jordy. "We continue to think in sectors, private institutions within the decrees that concern us but failed to organize ourselves around the injured birds. I pulled open my mouth, but instead of calling, I squeaked. Sorry."
The letter makes a lot of loose in Belgium, many people share it on social media and respond shocked at the death of the boy.
By Editorial RTL News: Photo: Facebook Jordy Brouillard
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