'24 Of the 40 planned azc are suddenly uncertain '

Gepubliceerd op 8 september 2016 om 12:00

More than half of the planned reception centers which should open the next nine months, are highly uncertain. It involves 24 of the 40 azc's reports the NIS.


According to the broadcaster consult municipalities, provinces, the government and the COA today about whether the centers are still needed, since there are far fewer refugees enter our country. Forty percent of the beds in the current shelter places vacant.

irritated municipalities

The cities where it is going to be irritated. For example, the city of Breda already purchased a building and find the Hilversum mayor Peter Brothers to not explain it to the people, after all the effort that has been done. According to him, "washed away soil" as the lower confidence in local government.

Last year were the refugee centers crowded by the massive flow of refugees that had begun from Syria. Therefore, the COA was hard to find new locations, which in many municipalities led to great social unrest.

Since the deal with Turkey, in which it was agreed that Turkey closes its borders in exchange for financial support from Europe, the number of refugees rose sharply. Turkish President Erdogan has repeatedly threatened to no longer keep to the agreements, if the EU does not fulfill its commitments.

By Editorial RTL News: Photo: Yahoo! News

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