Rents this year averaged 1.9 percent higher than in 2015. This is the lowest rent increase in five years. According to figures from the Central Bureau of Statistics.
Landlords additionally increased the rent less frequently with the maximum. In 2016 received 19 percent of the tenants imposed the maximum rent increase applicable to them.In 2013 this was 66 percent.
Tenants were given a high income in 2016 to make the most with the maximum rent increase. In low income, this was 19 per cent, while four times as many tenants with low incomes was given the maximum rent increase in 2013: 77 percent.
The rental also fell in 4 per cent of the cases. That's a lot more than in previous years. This is due to the adjustment of the rental points system in October 2015. This has in some cases led to lower maximum rent. But it also happens that the rent goes down after people change
Amsterdam took the rent just like previous years, the strongest rate, this time by 2.9 percent. Drenthe, like last year, the lowest rent increase: 1.2 percent.
According Woonbond also with Aedes, the umbrella organization of housing associations, closed social rental agreement the rent increase in the social rented sector moderated. ,, As an average rent increase of 1.9 percent on an inflation rate of 0.6 percent is still too high.For many tenants, the rent already become priceless by the enormous increase in previous years, '' says Woonbond Director Ronald Paping.
, Employing half a million households can not actually afford the rent. ' The Housing Association wants the property tax is abolished, so that corporations have more financial room to lower rents and investments in new construction and energy savings.
By Telegraph editors: Photo: Dutch Height
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